Manage your IT ticketing in Slack

Wrangle is an automated ticketing platform built for Slack. Collect, respond, track, and resolve IT tickets in the platform your business uses most.

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Trusted By Top Companies

The Speaker Lab

Wrangle automates IT ticketing requests for hundreds of use cases.

Unlike other platforms, requests are initiated, acted on, and tracked in Slack. Wrangle automatically updates users on the status of their tickets and makes sure nothing slips through the cracks.

IT Help Desk

Cross-departmental teams can create and track IT service tickets in Slack for onboarding, new hardware, password resets and more.

Access Management

Managers can trigger, track and respond to tickets for sensitive requests like access to organizational systems and applications all without leaving Slack.

Change Requests

Use Slack to kickoff sensitive changes like upgrades to a server operating system. Gather approvals and keep up-to-date on the status.

Security Reviews

Kickoff vendor reviews and internal system audits in Slack. Wrangle keeps stakeholders informed throughout the review until resolution.

Wrangle seamlessly integrates IT ticketing and workflows in Slack.

Don't leave Slack to file a ticket.

Wrangle makes ticketing and workflow management easy by bringing requests into the platform we use most. Instead of logging into a separate tool, allow your teams to file, track and resolve tickets directly in Slack.

Advanced forms trigger workflows

Wrangle integrates custom forms into Slack helping you standardize your processes and capture the critical information you need during the ticket creation process. Once a form is submitted, Wrangle's workflows handle the rest.

Expansive ticket types for all your use cases

Wrangle's flexible platform can support whatever ticketing type your business requires. Simply create the workflow and employees can kick off their requests in Slack.

Route tickets to the right assignee.

Wrangle helps you expedite resolution by automatically assigning tickets to the right place. Instead of manually assigning, Wrangle will alert the appropriate individuals and allow them to handle the issue directly in Slack.

Route to specific people or to people who completed earlier work on the ticket

Different types of tickets can be routed to different team members. They'll get notifications in Slack when a new ticket is assigned, and other teammates can follow along at any point in the process.

Conditional logic supports complex use cases

Your business has complexity. Wrangle allows you to deliver tickets based on conditional logic that's triggered by your user's submission.
Wrangle Slack Approval

See all your tickets and workflows in one place.

Wrangle's dashboard gives you a bird's-eye view of your tickets and workflows, ensuring accountability, transparency, and efficiency. You'll be able to keep things on track without constantly reminding teammates of due dates and deadlines.

See tickets across all channels in Slack

Wrangle's workflow dashboard is your central hub to manage workflows. Use workflow monitoring to see everything in progress and drill down to tickets that are blocked.

Never miss a deadline

Task lists help keep work on track and Wrangle's dashboard shows you what's late. Wrangle automatically notifies the assignee when a task is due so that tickets don't slip through the cracks.

Wrangle integrates seamlessly with virtually any application making it easy to trigger workflows based on user actions in other platforms

Wrangle integrates with applications like Sheets, Hubspot, Zendesk, Airtable, Salesforce, Heroku, Twilio and more via Zapier.

The AvantStay team has been growing rapidly and, Wrangle is the tool behind the scenes keeping our workflows on track in Slack. Wrangle saves us hundreds of hours a month while also ensuring nothing gets lost in the chaos of Slack.

Reuben Doetsch
Cofounder and CTO, AvantStay

In companies, people have been abusing Slack for tickets for years. Wrangle fixes everything. As an Ops professional this is everything I have ever wanted. To have all this housed in Slack? Phenomenal.

KC Procter
Director of Operations, The Speaker Lab

As a startup, we run on slim margins but, we needed a way to automate and streamline our security compliance needs. Wrangle has allowed us to build out approval workflows that otherwise would have to be tracked and done manually, likely resulting in human error.

Isaac Painter
Senior Manager of Information Security, Aumni

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